Obesity in Dogs
Many studies have shown that more Americans are obese than ever and, strangely enough, we are not alone. Not only are Americans fatter than ever, so are their dogs, and the phenomenon can have serious consequences for both groups. Obese dogs run a lot of the same risks that obese people do.
When a dog is over weight, he is more risk of heart disease, respiratory ailments, weak joints and other problems. In short, it is equally dangerous for a dog carrying extra weight as it is for one person - perhaps because the life is shorter than the dogs. An overweight eight years old dog is akin to an overweight fifty-six years, human and subject to numerous risks to the health of himself.
Doggie Diets
For the overweight or obese dog body weight, diet and exercise should be introduced. It is important to consult a veterinarian, the doctor can determine if the dog obesity is simply due to a high caloric intake or a specific anxiety and medical conditions such as diabetes. The vet can also bring you the best suggestions about diet and exercise. There are many dog food brands on the market specially balanced to help a dog lose weight.
Although food or food supplements you use, there is no substitute for the support and involvement of the family. Each member must commit to help control calorie intake of the dog, feeding exact amounts at specific times, limiting consumption of snacks. Feeding the dog extra treats or table scraps on the sly will not do the dog any favors.
Doggie Exercise Programs
Exercise is important for every dog. A dog that does not move quickly enough to gain weight gains in May and became extremely tight or very lethargic. Fortunately, most dogs love to exercise by nature. They want to run and play with their people. The dog of my overweight are reluctant to exercise at first, but if you persist in him for a walk or play games like "fetch" (most dogs like to run after a thrown tennis ball or other object) The puppy will Come Around and soon begin to more frequently and for longer time to exercise.
It takes time
People do not get to their ideal weight overnight when diet and a dog will. Remember that Rover did not put on those extra pounds and suddenly they will not come off that way not. Most dogs take between ten and twelve months to reach their ideal goal weight, depending on the amount of additional weight should be lost.
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