Friday, October 30, 2009

Soft or Hard Dog Food – Which is Best?

Sometimes dog owners are faced with a dilemma about what kind of dog food for their dogs to provide PF. Dogs themselves tend to prefer moist species preserved. They are more aromatic and naturally tempting to the mouth of the dog than the kibble that comes in a bag. The dental health of a dog, however, depends on the dog to be hard and crunchy items and dry food chunks chew this purpose well. As an owner to do?

Some owners a two-pronged approach when selecting dog food for their four-legged friends. They mix some dry food, canned, effectively giving their dog the "best of both worlds." If you feed canned food for your dog, you'll probably need to supplement this with a dog that somehow something to chew and crunch. chew toys and dog biscuits or treats can help serve this goal.

Remember that a dog's health depends largely on the nutrition of its food. A dog is as healthy as the food he eats, in many respects. The food you buy for your dog's nutritional needs should provide the best possible way, whether dry or wet. Unfortunately, when it comes to dog food that you get what you pay for. The house brands and generic drugs are usually made with cheaper ingredients and lots of loads. They'll dog, but they are not the best choice for her. The more expensive brands like Science Diet and Eukanuba announced that they "specially formulated" really, to some extent. They will have high quality ingredients and are better adapted to meet the needs of your dog.

In truth, if you are a good way for your dog on the work of the helicopters on a regular basis, it does not matter if you use dry or wet food. During regular veterinary checks your veterinarian examine your dog's teeth and warns you if a problem should be corrected by a different type of food or certain food.

The reason why dogs should be able to chew on hard materials is twofold. It strengthens the teeth and works on the muscles of the jaw, with teeth and powerful jaws. It also provides a form of dental care. Owners should brush their dogs at least twice a week. If this is not possible, however, crunchy foods such as biscuits and cakes act as a natural toothbrush for the dog, loose plaque and tartar and clean teeth.

Choosing the right diet for your dog is important for both the dog is eating and good dental health. If you prefer your dog the tastier soft, moist foods that come in a box is good, make sure you have something to really sink his teeth Rover. Read more...

Removing Dog Urine Stains

Ah, those sweet dogs and their cute and clever antics! Do we like the way they play and get run, jump, roll around and lick us affectionately and pee on the carpet and ...

Pee on the carpet? Well we do not like this aspect of dog ownership, now do we?

Dogs can be well educated and trained to let their owners know when to get outdoors and a Weedle little or most any job to do, but before that happens - and sometimes beyond - the 'inside your country of origin is marked Rover. Stains and odors of small mishaps and dishonorable discharges Phydeaux can leave a lasting impression on the carpets, furniture and other objects in your house if not treated immediately.

If you're lucky enough to catch Duke in the act of relieving himself on the Persian rug was a gift from your mother-in-law, take measures to cope with the training of the dog and then participate in poodle puddle on the right. Use a cloth or paper towel to enjoy all of the junk as possible, then clean the area with a mixture of cold or warm (not hot) and a type of detergent. Peroxide works well to remove the possibility of a stain and odor, but it should not be used for certain substances or dyes. A little dishwashing detergent (the kind you used in the sink, no dishwasher) mixed with water can do a good job on these new brands too.

For areas that are allowed to sit for a while you need something more drastic measures. Biological detergent, as BEST SHOT SPOT works on stains like these and should be preferred over chemicals. If you use chemicals, peroxide is your friend when it can act as a great stain remover. Again you want to dilute with warm water and apply to the region. Some cleaning will be needed but this must be done as gently as possible, depending on the type of fabric. When it comes to carpet, some vigorous cleaning is probably a good thing that the fibers are designed to take some shots.

If the soiled items are washable textiles such as clothing, towels, blankets or small cast, the spots are in the wash. Place the item in the washer with regular detergent in saying that you would normally use and some Bleach safe color (whites can and should be done with regular chlorine).

The best way to treat stains dog urine to prevent them from happening in the first place, which can be achieved through a thorough and rigorous training. If the occasion happens Whoopsi not lose his head. Deal with the dog properly and sleep soundly knowing that in most cases, washing ponds.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Treating Your Dog for Dehydration

Dehydration in dogs can be a serious problem. Whether caused by illness, exposure to heat, or a simple lack of fluid, dehydration should be promptly treated and untreated, can cause multiple health problems including heart failure and death. It is very easy for a dog to be dehydrated easier than many pet owners realize. Fortunately it is easy to prevent dehydration in dogs and it is very important to do.

Dehydration is a loss of excess body fluids. It is usually the loss of water and minerals such as sodium chloride and potassium collectively called electrolytes. Dehydration in dogs can be caused by illness (especially if the dog has a fever), exposure to extreme heat and other factors. Natural act of a dog's breath causes fluid loss and can lead to dehydration if not replaced. Remember that dogs have no sweat glands to keep cool. They pant in an attempt to regulate their body temperature. A panting dog is a hot dog.

Preventing Dog Dehydration

The best way to prevent dehydration is to ensure that your dog has sufficient fresh water available. The dog should always at least one bowl of water at all times and when the dog approached the house, bowls in different locations may be appropriate. If you live in a dry climate dogs should be indoors as much as possible, especially during the hot summer months. When they leave, it is imperative that dogs have an adequate supply of freshwater. Moist foods also help maintain appropriate levels of body fluids in dogs. Dry food is important for the health of the teeth of a dog, but moist foods are a good idea too.

Treat a dog dehydrated

If you suspect your dog is dehydrated, get some water once, then get to the vet. Signs of dehydration may be lack of elasticity of the skin and sunken eyes, dry and dryness of the mouth and nose. Dehydrated dogs will also experience a delay in capillary refill time. For this test, lip of the dog to pull out her gum (gently) and press a finger against the gum until blanching the field. Release the button and the color should return to the surface almost immediately. A delay may be a sign of dehydration.

Much water is the best way to replace fluids, but a severely dehydrated dog should not be allowed in large quantities. This will cause vomiting and a further loss of fluids. Instead of the dog to drink small amounts over time. Electrolytes can be replaced by a hydrating solution. Pedialyte, a water and electrolyte product sold for infants is suitable for dogs. Of course, every dog seems dehydrated or refuses to drink should be seen by a veterinarian for appropriate treatment and to determine if dehydration is a symptom of another disease.

Dental Care for Dogs

Some people do not realize that dental hygiene is also important for dogs as for humans. Like humans, dogs' teeth can "gather plaque after eating. When plaque builds up and hardens, it becomes a coarse brown substance called tartar. As tartar accumulates it can make its way under the gums and cause painful infections and gum disease. This is in the mouths of dogs as it does in humans. You brush your teeth every day, probably three times. What does your dog do?

Brushing teeth for Doggies

Veterinarians recommend that dog owners brush their dog's teeth at least twice a week to build to keep tartar at a minimum. Most supplies stores carry pet toothbrushes and toothpaste specially designed just for dogs. Remember that a dog sense of taste and smell is much stronger than a man and Spicy, Tingly, mint taste of toothpastes for people very terrible for a dog. Try brushing Rover's teeth with Crest just once and it will probably be the last time he lets you anywhere near him with a toothbrush. Use toothpaste specially designed dog.

Dental Chew

Some people have the time or patience to brush the teeth of dogs on a regular basis. If you're one of those, would you care to Chopper choppers in a different way. Natural tendency of a dog chewing is an integrated dental care mechanism. Dog biscuits break into small chunks when chewed and rub against the teeth, cleaning service. There is no substitute for brushing your dog, but if you can not do, make sure he gets a sort of crunchy biscuit on a regular basis.

Disease in dogs

Dogs who do not receive adequate dental care and lack access to clean teeth of food crunchy run the risk of several types of mouth. These can be as mild as gingivitis (gum disease that results in, swelling of inflamed gums) and as a serious bacterial infection that can spread through the blood of the dog to cause damage to vital organs. You owe it to yourself and your dog to take care of his teeth.

Doggie Dentistry

Dental care is available for dogs, as they are for humans. The teeth of a dog can be filled, capped, and extracted when needed, like a man. The best course of action is the need for such services to ensure the proper care of your dog's teeth. To avoid pain and discomfort may occur useless for your furry friend, you must do. Preventive dental care dog can save money too. Doggie dental can be very costly.

Obesity in Dogs

Many studies have shown that more Americans are obese than ever and, strangely enough, we are not alone. Not only are Americans fatter than ever, so are their dogs, and the phenomenon can have serious consequences for both groups. Obese dogs run a lot of the same risks that obese people do.

When a dog is over weight, he is more risk of heart disease, respiratory ailments, weak joints and other problems. In short, it is equally dangerous for a dog carrying extra weight as it is for one person - perhaps because the life is shorter than the dogs. An overweight eight years old dog is akin to an overweight fifty-six years, human and subject to numerous risks to the health of himself.

Fortunately for us and our dogs, the comparison is associative and works the same in the opposite direction. Just like a healthy diet and plenty of cardiovascular exercise can reduce a young man, he can handle the extra weight of a dog.

Doggie Diets

For the overweight or obese dog body weight, diet and exercise should be introduced. It is important to consult a veterinarian, the doctor can determine if the dog obesity is simply due to a high caloric intake or a specific anxiety and medical conditions such as diabetes. The vet can also bring you the best suggestions about diet and exercise. There are many dog food brands on the market specially balanced to help a dog lose weight.

Although food or food supplements you use, there is no substitute for the support and involvement of the family. Each member must commit to help control calorie intake of the dog, feeding exact amounts at specific times, limiting consumption of snacks. Feeding the dog extra treats or table scraps on the sly will not do the dog any favors.

Doggie Exercise Programs

Exercise is important for every dog. A dog that does not move quickly enough to gain weight gains in May and became extremely tight or very lethargic. Fortunately, most dogs love to exercise by nature. They want to run and play with their people. The dog of my overweight are reluctant to exercise at first, but if you persist in him for a walk or play games like "fetch" (most dogs like to run after a thrown tennis ball or other object) The puppy will Come Around and soon begin to more frequently and for longer time to exercise.

It takes time

People do not get to their ideal weight overnight when diet and a dog will. Remember that Rover did not put on those extra pounds and suddenly they will not come off that way not. Most dogs take between ten and twelve months to reach their ideal goal weight, depending on the amount of additional weight should be lost.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

Dogs (and cats) are often the victims of some common intestinal parasites known as worms. There are many different types of intestinal worms, but dogs are most affected by tapeworms, round worms, hook worms and whip worms. These parasites live in the gastrointestinal tract (usually the intestines), where they feed on nutrients, depriving the dog of the nutrition it takes in. contamination of worms can cause a range of negative symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and general poor appearance.

How dogs Worms?

There are a number of ways a dog can end up with an infection of one of these forms of intestinal parasites. An animal infected with one of these types of worms can spend the eggs of worms in his stool. There is a strong argument for removal after your pet as often as possible, and let your dog eat feces (something dogs do) as you can. Tapeworm eggs can be transmitted by fleas. Fleas eat the eggs (quite a delicacy of a chip) and go to a dog when he bites. Some nematodes are dormant in the body of a pregnant dog and started just before she gives birth. The activated their way into the intestines of the pups are born, where they thrive after the pups are born.

Detection of Worms in Dogs

Worm infections can be difficult to detect. Although some lines can be passed in the feces, betraying their presence is rare. If a dog is displaying symptoms that May indicate the presence of worms, a vet should be consulted. A stool sample will be tested for the presence of worm eggs determined (these are microscopic) and a deworming medication called "prescribed. Stool samples are often collected as part of a dog a routine physical exam to check for worms. In the case of tapeworms, the tapeworm segments may be visible in the feces of the dog or the fur around the anus or under the tail. The naked eye can look like small pieces of white rice.

Treating dogs for Worms

When a dog is found to have an infection of worms, is writing a dewormer immediately by a veterinarian. Depending on the severity of the infection, the type of verse, and the risk of reinfection, the treatment should be repeated one or more times. There are over-the-counter dewormers are available, but most veterinarians recommend not because they necessarily weaker and may not kill all types of worms and their eggs.

Intestinal worms can cause many health problems for dogs, to death in extreme cases. Take measures to prevent infection, detect as soon as possible, and accordingly to treat your dog can help to protect against these pests. Read more...

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

A fairly common degenerative disease in dogs, hip dysplasia dog is often misunderstood. Many have the misconception that the disease is a form of arthritis, but this is simply not the case. Often, dogs suffering from hip dysplasia will develop arthritis, but this condition is the result of hip dysplasia, and not the disease itself.

The disease is more common in the mid to large dogs that grow rapidly and can be a source of pain and limited mobility for the animal. Even when it is detected early, there is no "cure" for hip dysplasia, but must be treated with drugs to the degree of pain the dog suffers or be corrected with the reduction of surgery possible.

What is hip dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia is essentially an abnormal formation of the hip. This training leads to a drop in the joint as a whole series of problems for the dog causes. The most common results of hip dysplasia include pain and lack of mobility. Dogs that are severely affected can not move their hindquarters. There are many degrees of dysplasia, they range from just the slightest gap in the connection of the joint dislocation of the femur from hip to fill.

What causes hip dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia is primarily caused by genetics. If one or both parent animals carry a genetic trait for hip dysplasia is passed on to their offspring. Genetic conditions and their chances for adoption are measured in terms of "heritability factoring. Something that is completely determined by genetics, like eye color or sex, is considered a factor of heredity were 1, indicating that the condition is 100% genetic. Provided that nothing whatsoever to do with genetics, like a sprained ankle, has a heritability factor of 0. Scientists have determined that hip dysplasia leads to a heritability factor between 25 and 85, implying a 25% to 85% chance that the condition is genetic. Although the wounds of a young puppy - before or after birth - the condition, almost all hip dysplasia is transmitted genetically.

How Hip Dysplasia is it treated?

As indicated above, there is no "cure" for hip dysplasia. Medication can be given to pain and inflammation of the joint, but the only way to treat the condition on a continuous basis to reduce it by surgery. The best way to fight against hip dysplasia is through selective breeding. If one of the potential parent animals show features of dysplasia of the hip, they should not be high and should be sterilized to ensure they do not pass on the trait. All breeding should be X-rayed at a young age to check for signs of disease. Many times a dog that appears perfectly healthy and have no signs of the disease may actually dysplasia of the hip.

Heartworms in Dogs

HeartWorm (Latin name Dirofilaria immitis) are parasitic worms that are common in dogs and cats. As their name suggests, they live in the heart of the dog, normally free to float in the right ventricle and nearby blood vessels. The worms are transmitted from dog to dog by mosquitoes which pass the worm larvae through their saliva. The presence of heartworms can be very dangerous to the health of your dog. Although the dog shows no signs of infection until it has achieved a lot, can be fatal thread and can be difficult to detect and diagnose.

Signs of heartworm infection

When a dog is first infected by the heart of the worm, there are literally no signs and the presence of cabling could not be detected, even with a blood test. Once the worm larva reaches the heart and matures, however, signs that are detectable by X-ray start to develop almost immediately. These include damage to the arteries around the heart and lungs. It is rare that a dog is infected by a worm, and the adult worms in the heart grow in size and number, the conditions deteriorate, eventually leading to a blockage of blood flow. It was then that the dog will be physical signs that may include pain, high blood pressure, breathing problems, lethargy or even fainting show. In very advanced cases, dogs suffering heart failure and death, but at the time of heart worm has reached this stage, the owners probably realized that something was wrong and sought veterinary care.

Treat the infection of the heartworm

Once the dog is diagnosed as having the heart to treatment should be started. What this treatment is and how it is administered depends on the stage of the infection to the heart. In general there are four stages of the heartworm.
  • Stage One - Dogs at the lowest risk - wired found in X-rays, but all other tests appear normal.
  • Second Phase - Dogs May be moderately contaminated, some difficulty breathing and coughing demonstrations
  • Step Three - Dogs are severely affected can and weight loss, have difficulty in breathing, blood tests and probably renal or liver damage
  • Step Four - Dogs have Vena Cava Syndrome and in shock, essentially dying - surgery may be undertaken to remove worms, but there is no guarantee that it will save the dog.
When it comes to the heart in dogs, prevention is truly the best medicine. The best time to start preventative treatment is early in puppy-hood, before the dog is seven months old since dogs older than seven months are at high risk of side effects of preventive treatments.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) in Dogs

The distemper virus (CDV) causes a highly contagious disease in dogs known as distemper. Dogs who contract distemper suffer damage to their gastrointestinal, central nervous system and respiratory tract. Distemper is incurable and often fatal.

Puppies between three and six months are most susceptible, although older dogs and other carnivorous mammals also contract distemper. At one time, distemper was the leading cause of death in puppies that had not been vaccinated. Since the distemper vaccine was in the early 60s, cases of death and disease associated with canine distemper significantly decreased.

CDV is transmitted through the air viral particles that dogs inhale. Infected dogs also shed the virus through bodily secretions and excretions. In this way it is easy for an infected dog to cause infection of another dog.

Distemper causes a multitude of different symptoms respiratory symptoms and gastro-intestinal disorders of the central nervous system to adopt. In fact, dogs that die from distemper actually die from central nervous complications caused by the disease or secondary bacterial infections.

Diagnosis distemper is difficult for a veterinarian for diagnosis, blood tests are not useful for detecting the presence of CDV. Diagnosis, success often hinges on the decision of the comparative disorders whose symptoms can often suggest the presence of CDV.

Because there is no cure for distemper, treatment of the disease is favorable and veterinarian will try to relieve the symptoms of the best way to deal with. A clean, warm, and the project should be established and maintained to ensure that the dog as comfortable as possible. The eyes and nose free of discharge, and medication to treat diarrhea should be administered. Dogs suffering from distemper must be given plenty of fluids to help reduce fever and prevent dehydration. Other symptoms are treated as they appear if possible.

Like any viral disease, prevention is a much better option and more effective than treatment and the best option is vaccination during the first weeks of life. Vaccination against distemper creates lasting immunity against the virus, but it is not permanent. Annual vaccination is recommended to maintain immunity of the dog distemper. Most puppies are given vaccinations distemper vaccine along with vaccines for various diseases. Read more...

Hepatitis in Dogs

Hepatitis, a liver disease that is seen in various animals, including humans, is caused by a viral infection. Canine hepatitis is caused by the virus designated CAV-1, which is seen only in dogs. Humans and other animals are not exposed to hepatitis contract of CAV-1 virus.

Like many viruses, CAV-1 first localizes and replicates in the lymph nodes and spreads into the bloodstream from there. Once in the blood, CAV-1 attacks several organs, including liver, kidneys and eyes. Although hepatitis is a very serious disease, not all cases of CAV-1 infection and lead to not all serious. Some dogs show few or no symptoms after infection. Some, however, pups especially young people, become seriously ill.

Once a dog is infected, there is no treatment that will destroy the CAV-1 virus. There is no cure. There is a very good vaccine that can be given to dogs when they begin their series of vaccinations. The vaccine has dramatically reduced cases of canine hepatitis in the United States and Western Europe.

Not all cases of hepatitis caused by CAV-1 virus. Called idiopathic or periportal hepatitis, these cases of hepatitis of unknown origin and occur in dogs that five or six years in most cases.

The symptoms of both CAV-1 hepatitis and hepatitis of unknown origin can include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, jaundice, depression and weakness. Since there is no cure, a vet can only treat the symptoms of the extent of its possibilities. Antibiotics are usually administered to prevent new infections.

In most cases, when a dog contracts CAV-1 symptoms can be treated to keep the dog comfortable until the virus passes. Once that happens, a dog is usually immune to the disease for the rest of his life. Survival rates are high for CAV-1 hepatitis induced death occurs usually only in puppies.

Some specific breeds (Doberman Pinscher and in particular certain terriers) can develop and suffer from chronic hepatitis. There is no cure for the disease and these animals will have on the rest of their lives. Read more...

My Dog Has Fleas

Fleas are a problem for dogs and their owners alike. These tiny insects will live on the body of your dog, sucking the blood of animals and eggs. The snacks and the presence of fleas, the dog to itch and if the dog happens to be allergic to fleas (the allergy is technically to the insects 'saliva') is extreme itching, loss of fur on some sites, inflammation and infection.

Whether the dog has an allergy to flea saliva, infestations must be treated or they go on and on and fleas will also contaminate your home, other animals, and may even live on humans. In short, you can not directly and adversely affected by an infestation of flea control.

Detecting Fleas

If you suspect your dog has fleas, because he has been scratching more than usual, there are ways to announce their arrival. Fleas are very small (about one eighth of an inch long), but with the naked eye, and brownish. Because they prefer dark places they will try to hide under the fur of the dog in the neck or abdomen. Their stools are also shown on the coat of the dog and looks like several black spots or stains - a little like pepper. If fleas or their droppings are found, it is time to treat your dog to get rid of them.

Treat your dog from fleas

While flea collars, powders and sprays can help to prevent pests to some extent, they will not help if the dog is already forgiven. When an infected flea dog the female lays her eggs at a rate of about thirty per day. These eggs fall from the dog and the carpet, soil, or where the dog can be. In these areas, it hatches and eventually pupate into adult fleas, which in turn ruin the dog. To stop the cycle of the fleas on the dog and the environment must be slain or the life cycle must be interrupted.

There are several flea treatments for dogs, but one of the best is not an oral drug that kills adult fleas, but kills the eggs and larvae. This interrupts the life cycle of chip and prevents them from returning until the dog is constantly exposed to new chips. If this happens, the source must be cleaned of chips and the canvas, the environment or other dogs with which your staff a pet.

Fleas can be a real nuisance for dogs and their owners, but the fish quickly and handle the dog is the key to eliminating the infection and preventing the return of the insect. Read more...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parvovirus and Your Dog

Parvovirus (Parvo usually) is a viral disease that affects dogs. It is much more common in puppies than adult dogs and can have serious consequences for the infected animal, including death. Parvo grows best in rapidly dividing cells of the intestine of the dog. Because the virus attacks and kills cells and causes massive diarrhea stops or slows the creation of white blood cells. In young puppies it can often directly infect the heart, leading to death.

The symptoms of Parvo start with fever, lethargy and depression. The dog will usually experience a loss of appetite and finally signs of more serious such as vomiting and diarrhea, often bloody. Once the virus reaches this stage of dehydration and death usually follow.

Parvo is carried and transmitted by dogs. The vomit and feces of infected animals also harbor the virus is low and can survive outside the body of your dog in the area, while nine months. Sometimes an adult dog can be infected by the virus and show no symptoms but act as carriers of the virus transmission to other animals in contact with.

There is no cure for parvo. Dogs who are infected will die of dehydration without treatment. This treatment is mainly to provide fluids, repeated blood transfusions, and prevent dehydration. The mortality rate in dogs affected by Parvo is about 20% if the dog receives treatment in time. Without treatment, approximately 80% of those infected die. It is a very serious illness.

Parvo is especially for certain breeds of dogs more than others. Doberman, Rottweiler and other black and tan dogs have a greater chance of contracting the virus. The reason is unknown, but the fact that these dogs are more at risk does not mean that the owners of other types of dogs can rest easy. Dogs of a breed can be infected.

Although no cure for Parvo, puppies can (and should) be vaccinated against the disease at a young age. Most vets recommend puppies be vaccinated from six weeks of life with vaccinations remains of twenty weeks old. Adequate immunization is the best way to avoid contracting a dog to parvo. Read more...

Leptospirosis in Dogs

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can affect a dog's blood, liver and kidneys. The bacteria that cause disease are mainly carried by rats and other rodents, but dogs infected with the disease can also infect other dogs. Ingestion of the urine of an infected animal is the most common mode of transmission, but the bacteria can be contracted by skin lesions or too thin.

Leptospirosis is a strange disease that can often have no signs or symptoms. In these cases, the bacteria are eventually defeated by the dog's natural defenses. Other times, more often, however, the disease can be fatal to the infected dog. The three main forms of the disease are hemorrhagic (infection of the blood, bleeding SO), renal (kidney infection), and jaundice (infecting the liver).

Hemorrhagic Leptospirosis tends to start with a high fever, loss of appetite and general lethargy. Minor bleeding will occur in the mouth and eyes and the dog may develop vomiting and bloody diarrhea extreme. This form of the disease is often fatal.

Icteric leptospirosis often start the same way as the hemorrhagic fever, lethargy and loss of appetite. The mouth and whites of the eyes take on a yellow appearance, similar to victims of jaundice. In some cases, the dog's skin may also appear yellow and jaundiced.

Renal Leptospirosis also starts with fever, loss of appetite, lethargy and depression, but it eventually leads to kidney failure.

The three forms of the disease is treatable and curable and all three types can be potentially fatal. Often dogs that survive will have a chronic kidney disease, renal leptospirosis for the rest of their lives.

The treatment is performed with the use of antibiotics and, if the disease is detected early, usually with success. Cases of leptospirosis in North America are relatively rare, with the development of a vaccine. Puppies are vaccinated against the disease as early as six weeks and receive annual renewal of plans to maintain immunity.

Vaccination and proper hygiene are the best way to avoid Leptospirosis in dogs. If the animal is unable to make contact with the disease than rats and their urine, the dog is not likely to be infected, even if they were not vaccinated. The vaccine against leptospirosis is the most likely of all dog vaccinations to a negative reaction in dogs cause. This reaction is generally mild and usually lethargy, loss of appetite and depression. These effects only last a few days and then the dog is very good and, moreover, protected against the disease.

Leptospirosis is one of the nastier diseases a dog can get, and nobody wants your pet suffer from this disease. Fortunately, thanks to the existence of a good vaccine, few dogs have to endure this life threatening illness in this day and age.

Allergies – Dogs May Suffer Too

Many people do not realize that their dogs, like humans, can suffer from allergies. In fact, about twenty percent of the dogs in the United States alone suffer from one allergy or another, the flea allergic dermatitis is the most common allergy in dogs. Other types include atopic dermatitis, food allergies and respiratory allergies.

Signs and symptoms of dog allergies may vary but are often characterized by persistent itching and discoloration of the skin (the skin in the most common allergies), coughing, sneezing, wheezing, mucus discharge (most common respiratory allergies) and nausea, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea (often with food allergies and other ailments.)

Over-the-counter preparations and treatments for common dog allergies exist and may be purchased at a good supermarket for pets, but care must be taken when choosing such treatments. A consultation with a veterinarian is the best first course of action for several reasons. First, what you think is an allergic reaction may actually signs of a serious and a vet, the one to determine whether this is the case. Secondly, if the allergy is severe enough, over-the-counter treatments are not sufficient to treat the symptoms and treat as prescription medication may be necessary. There is also the chance that the dog has no allergies at all. The last thing you want to do is treat your pet unnecessarily.

If you think your dog has a kind of allergy, consult your veterinarian. The doctor will order tests to determine whether an allergic condition exists, how severe it is, and what treatment is suitable to perform. If the dog is allergic to certain foods, it is necessary to the power of the animal to restrict to those elements to eliminate a reaction. Methods The veterinarian can help determine whether this type of allergy exists. If the dog has a flea allergy dermatitis (an allergic reaction to flea saliva, rather than the insects themselves), a regime of extreme flea prevention are recommended.

Like humans dogs can suffer from various allergies comfortable life if they are detected and treated. It is important to remember that this is not a time to "play doctor" by attempting to diagnose and treat a possible allergic condition yourself. Only your veterinarian is qualified to determine if your dog suffer from allergies and what course to take. Read more...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Importance of the Dog’s Anal Gland

In the movie The Fisher King there is a pretty funny scene where the character of Robin Williams is the scooter on the ground by digging his heels in and dragging his bare bottom on the lawn. In a jubilant voice he shouted: "Do you know why dogs do that?" It is really impressive! "

In fact, this is not the only reason. Dogs will exhibit this behavior if the anus or are a part of the rear itching, but this could be a sign of anal gland effects, which can be a problem for some dogs.

The anal glands are on both sides of the anus of a dog and is in nature, serve as a method of marking the territory of the dog. If a dog defecates the glands are compressed and naturally secrete a fluid, dark, stinking with the stool. If the pockets are empty, they were normal when the animal has a bowel movement.

Sometimes, for various reasons, the anal sacs dog can be blocked. If this is the case can develop a number of problems. Some are like a bad smell benign but can cause serious problems such as diarrhea and infections. In order to intervene before a blocked anal gland is a problem that needs to be expressed in the glands.

Expression of anal glands is a simple medical technique that can be done at home or by a veterinarian. Some people prefer to allow the veterinarian to take over this task, because they think it is a duty, unattractive. To save the cost of a vet, but it is perfectly acceptable to express yourself, the anal glands.

Expressing the anal glands dog

Expression of anal glands is a simple matter. You want to keep the tail and pull gently to the dog's head. On the other hand, a cloth or paper towel and place your thumb on the left side of the left gland, and the index finger on the right side of the right gland. Press firmly but not violently, and the glands are emptying a brown or yellowish liquid on the cloth or towel. Glands affected are not so easy to empty and may require internal drainage technique. You can use the technology inside the house so well, but you will be surgical gloves and a tube of KY Jelly have.

Internal anal gland expression requires that the pockets on each side of the anus can individually, and will require that you place your thumb on one side of the gland and index finger in the butt of the dog, print, and express the gland. Gland will be affected, more difficult to escape and the liquid can be thick and pasty with a bad smell and dark brown, gray or black.

Infected anal glands can cause a discharge of pus and bleeding can be a sign of a more serious problem. Contacted the infection must be combated with antibiotics, when should a veterinarian immediately if the dog seems to have an infection.

Vaccinations and Your Dog

Even if your new puppy to cry and the wind perhaps even likely when getting his shots, it is equally important for your dog as your child or yourself, in fact, a maximum of vaccinating your dog You could save your life.

Vaccines are injections of a small dose of a disease which may prevent your puppy from developing countries who has the disease. As vaccination of children, it is required by ministries of health, and did the right thing for your dog.

Two types of vaccines exist. They are inactivated and modified live vaccine. A live vaccine modified disease is directly injected, while it has been amended by the pharmaceutical company is unable, the disease is necessary to protect against the cause. An inactivated vaccine is if the virus has killed himself appears before each injection.

If the vaccination, the immune system of your dog will detect the presence of an illness at the time) to a disability or reinforcements (antibodies to fight them off, he should appear. These barriers only last between six months and one year , which makes regular appointments is very important for your dog.

Some of the most often heard of diseases that dogs are often at the forefront of a list of immunization. These include: canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, rabies , Coronavirus.

Regular vaccinations can prevent your dog from contracting these diseases, but you should still what they know. The distemper is caused by a virus that attacks the body and can cause damage to the dogs central nervous system. 50 per cent of dogs, because the disease is fatal. It mainly affects middle-aged dogs. Puppies and older dogs are usually safe from infection.

Another vaccine, which is the health of your dog is important and should not be confused with the human disease, Hepatitis is Infectious Hepatitis, which is a deadly viral disease. It is transmitted through urine, saliva and feces. All age groups of dogs are at risk for this disease. Fortunately, it is not contagious to humans.

Speaking on behalf of vaccination against rabies is probably the most common vaccine. The disease itself is well known that even in animals and can easily to humans through saliva and bites. Aggression, excessive salivation and erratic behavior will follow the incidence of rabies, although it might not be as clear as "Cujo", the famous rabid-infected dog in the film.

Another disease that has often confused and is important for vaccination is coronavirus. The disease in young dogs and is usually mixed with Parvo, which is a completely different type of disease. Corona virus is contagious and is spread by feces taken from another dog, so that the problems of the intestine. This disease is usually treatable before Parvo sets in.

As you can see, there are many diseases that affect the sick or even kill you can in your precious family. Vaccinations are extremely important for you and the health of your dog, and it is your responsibility as dog owners on regular visits to your veterinarian. For all the happiness it brings you and your family, it deserves to be healthy. Read more...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vaccinating Your Dog – How Much and How Often?

Pet lovers apperceive that it is absolute important to hook their dogs, but how early and how often are two questions that are currently abundant on their minds as able-bodied as on the minds of the veterinary association at large. While vets accede that it is still basic to vaccinate puppies at 6 weeks for distemper and measles if they did not assistant during the aboriginal few hours afterwards they were built-in and afresh at 8, 12, and 16 weeks for Distemper, Canine Infectious Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, and Coronavirus (DHLPPC), there accept been questions as to whether the commonly recommended (and in some states required) anniversary vaccinations are necessary. Puppies are additionally vaccinated for rabies at six months and this, too, is again annually.

The concerns that some dog owners accept is whether the again dog vaccinations are absolutely all-important and whether they are, in fact, accomplishing added abuse than good. Vaccinations assignment by simulating the dog’s immune system, auspicious it to readily aftermath antibodies to action adjoin specific types of bacteria and viruses. Stimulating the immune system this way comes at a amount – the absolute addition of the behind abettor in some anatomy to the dog’s system, arch to the apropos of dog lovers and vets alike.
The questions on the minds of those anxious are “is it dangerous to repeatedly vaccinate my dog each year” and “how much vaccine should a dog accept and how often?” Fortunately the experts do accede that the acknowledgment to the aboriginal catechism is a aural “no.” While there are attenuate cases of dogs that accept become absolute ill or alike died as a aftereffect of vaccination, there is no affirmation to advance that this convenance poses any absolute crisis to the dog. The animals abnormally afflicted may accept already been ailing unbeknownst to their owners of had some anatomy of abhorrence to a specific allotment of the vaccine. The acknowledgment to the additional catechism is beneath auspicious because, the accuracy is; no one knows for abiding how abundant vaccine is absolutely all-important and how generally it absolutely should be given. This is currently a affair of abundant altercation and agitation in veterinary circles.
The best admonition that dog owners can booty is to abide vaccinating their dogs according to bounded laws and the recommendations of their vets. Since the anniversary vaccines are not harming the dogs in any axiomatic way, there is no account for anxiety and no abuse in continuing the aforementioned accepted until the veterinary association makes up its aggregate apperception that a change is in adjustment with attention to dog vaccinations.

Housebreaking a New Puppy

Although it doesn’t complete like the best ambrosial job in the world, housebreaking a fresh puppy will comedy an important allotment in bonding with the newest affiliate of your family. It will advise you backbone and leave you with a added good compassionate of what your puppy wants already he has learned. In addition, he will apprentice adequate behaviors and absolutely what is accepted of him to alive appropriately and calmly in his fresh home.

It’s important to bethink that, aloof like a baby child, a puppy’s absorption amount is actual short. Back you advise a adolescent not to hit, he acceptable won’t apprentice the assignment the aboriginal time, but instead, gradually afterwards you’ve apparent him afresh that it’s not okay. Similarly, you will accept to be constant with your dog back training him. Also, back housebreaking your puppy, accumulate in apperception that he is not carefully actuality a bad dog; he aloof has not yet abstruse what behaviors are acceptable!
Start housebreaking your puppy with a simple agriculture schedule. Accord him breakfast, cafeteria and dinner, aloof as you would yourself. By accomplishing this you will be allowance him become approved with his bowel movements. Already he has eaten, delay 20-30 account and afresh booty him outside. Watch how continued it takes afore he is able to void. This will accord you an abstraction of how continued to delay the abutting time you booty him out. (Within about a week, you should accept his agenda down.) Try to never let him eat at chargeless will, abrogation aliment in his basin all day, because it will account him to accept accidents and accomplish housetraining all that abundant added difficult.
Despite the old rules of training a puppy, you should never hit, rub his adenoids in his messes, or bawl at your puppy. By accomplishing this, you are cogent him it is bad to abate himself at all! In addition, best dogs acknowledge abnormally to advancing and beggarly behavior and it has the adverse effect—they backslide in their training rather than advance. Instead, while housebreaking your puppy booty him beeline alfresco back he has an accident. In addition, don’t balloon the praise! Every time he “goes” area he’s declared to, acclaim him lavishly, and anon he will activate to accept absolutely what brings praise, and what brings that aghast face. During the process, don’t balloon that abounding ascendancy of the float and belly won’t appear until 16 weeks of age, so don’t apprehend too abundant from your puppy in the beginning.
Also accessible in housebreaking a fresh puppy is to shop for a stain remover/ odor abatement spray. Household cleaners and sprays cannot be smelled by dogs; alone those fabricated for animals will work. Back an blow happens, apple-pie the blend and aerosol immediately. This will awning the odor larboard and your puppy will not try to mark his area there again.
Remember that housebreaking a puppy is a big albatross that can advance to you and your puppy administration a appropriate bond. Giving advance and lots of adulation will accomplish all the time spent account your while!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Choosing Healthy Foods for Your Dog

Today’s pet aliment bazaar is beyond and added assorted than anytime before. While this offers a ample cardinal of choices in assorted types of pet food, it additionally presents a bind in allotment the healthiest aliment for your dog. Are all-encompassing or abundance brands acceptable for a dog? What about accustomed name brands like Purina and Alpo? Are the pricier brands that acquaint distinctively formulated capacity (Science Diet, Eukanuba) absolutely active up to their claims and account the added money? All of these are accurate questions that admiring dog owners deserve to accept answered.

Dog Aliment Considerations 

There are several factors to accede back allotment the adapted aliment for your dog. Altered dogs accept altered comestible needs at altered stages in their lives. Some things to accede back selecting the aliment you’ll accord your dog follow.

• The Dog’s Age
Puppies accept altered comestible requirements than developed dogs aloof as animal accouchement accept altered needs than developed people. Senior dogs additionally accept altered requirements than adolescent developed dogs. Make abiding that you baddest a aliment that is adapted for your dog’s date in life.

• The Dog’s Health
Does your dog accept a specific medical condition? If so, the aliment you accept may charge to be partially dictated by that condition. Diabetic dogs charge low-glucose foods and dogs with specific allergies (yes dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things, aloof like people) may crave assertive foods as well. Your veterinarian can advice you accept foods that are adapted for a dog with a specific medical condition.

• The Dog’s Size or Body Type
Some dogs are overweight. Some dogs are underweight. Some accept a accustomed addiction to get lots of exercise while others tend to adopt to lie about a lot. There are, of course, small, medium, and ample dogs as able-bodied as the ultra-tiny “toy” dogs. All of these altered types of dogs will accept altered requirements for the blazon of aliment they charge as able-bodied as how abundant of it.

• Your Budget
Dog aliment can be expensive, there’s no agnosticism about it. And area dog aliment is concerned, the aphorism absolutely is “you get what you pay for.” Low amount generics and abundance brands will lighten the accountability on your wallet, but may not be the healthiest best for your dog as they are fabricated with bargain capacity and lots of fillers. You should shop for the best dog aliment you can on your account to advice ensure your dog’s nutrition.

Preparing Your Home for a Fresh Puppy

While action and apprehension may be at the top of the account back bringing home a fresh puppy, advancing for him should amount awful on the list. Aloof as you would charge to adapt a home back you accept a baby, pet owners additionally charge to booty appropriate precautions back “puppy-proofing.”

Before you alpha advancing your home for a puppy, you should booty into application the backyard and garden. First, analysis fences and gates to be abiding there are no holes ample abundant for him to get his arch ashore in. Watch for clutter and/or debris cans, which can be angled over, giving your fresh puppy the adventitious to eat things that he shouldn’t. And finally, apperceive breadth you are alleviative your backyard and garden with pesticides, and again forbid your puppy from activity there. In addition, accomplish abiding that all chemicals and added adverse articles are put abroad out of your fresh friend’s reach.

Next, you will charge to investigate your home and pretend that a babyish toddler is advancing to alive with you! Like toddlers, puppies will acquisition aggregate fresh and exciting. They don’t apperceive back article is alarming or can’t acquaint if that “interesting” alien ascendancy will get them into trouble.

In addition, back advancing your home for the fresh puppy, you should accumulate these tips in mind:

  • Be abiding all electrical and cable affairs are either in a amplitude your puppy will not be or adumbrate them beneath rugs or carpets. Do not accumulate affairs breadth your puppy could bite and champ on them.
  • Just like a toddler, your puppy will analyze every element, including low cupboards. Aloof back you anticipation accepting a puppy was easier than a child, he will apprentice to nudge those buffet doors open! Accede installing locks or array through them and alone accumulate safe altar in low areas.
So far, so good, right? Well, that’s alone if you bethink that in absoluteness your puppy has the apperception of a babyish child. Soon you’ll be accepting accessible for afternoon walks to the park, 3 a.m. trips to the bathroom, (more officially, outside) and lots of cuddling. So, while advancing your home for your puppy, anticipate of him as a affiliate of your family. Buy him a bed fabricated from plastic, which is added aggressive to chewing. Line it with adequate bedding—washable of course—and again abode it in a appropriate abode aloof for him. Accomplish abiding it is about he will be safe and comfortable.

Preparing your home for your fresh puppy is a lot of work, so you may accede affairs a puppy pen until aggregate is taken affliction of. Aloof like a baby’s playpen, a puppy pen will action an breadth for him to comedy after adrift the house. By accomplishing this, you are additionally extenuative your appliance and added altar from actuality chewed on. (Don’t worry—he’ll eventually abound out of this!)

Another important affair to anticipate about back advancing your home for your puppy is any stairs that you may accept in the house. If you accept an accessible basement or additional floor, use babyish gates to confine his run breadth to anticipate harm. Babies and puppies akin are not acquainted of crisis and don’t apprehend that they could abatement bottomward accomplish and aching themselves.

The best important affair to anticipate about while advancing your home for the fresh puppy is aloof like a child, they will charge cuddling, absorption and there will absolutely be a lot of wet kisses! Read more...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Introduce Your New Puppy To Your Dog

Buying a new puppy is one of the most important decisions you and your family can do, especially if you have a dog. It's a good idea for the former owners or questions pet that you purchase your puppy how to interact with other animals around him. If he was a child "only", you may want to take extra precautions and care when presenting it to your dog.

Thus, the days come to your new puppy to bring your dog and force increases because, if they disagreed? Given some time and challenges between the two will most likely outcome. However, you can give dogs a head start and they feel more comfortable making presentations at an unknown location.

Start with your new puppy to your dog in a place other than your home, like a park that you've never taken your dog or a neighbor to get away from the territorial problems and keep your dog feel threatened. Dogs have a protecting nature and quickly decide that their home is their territory. Feel threatened can happen when another animal crosses their territory. To keep from happening, let your dog with his new girlfriend at least twice before taking him into the house.

Do dog never expect to hit right when introducing your new puppy to your dog. Just like humans, can take some time for your dog to be friendly and confident in the new puppy. On the other hand, if you have a good sweet dog, he can almost parenting the new puppy and trying to "show him the ropes." Older dogs are generally more tolerant to the clumsiness and curiosity of new puppies.

Always pay attention when first introducing your new puppy to your dog. If it appears that the two are not in a hurry, or there is growling back and forth, not in the middle and give treats. Keep a calm voice to remind your dog that the puppy is not a threat. Continue to intercept between the two until they begin to show a comfort zone. It will not last long, because between the two, they decide who is the leader (their pecking order) and will soon become friends. If for any reason extensive growling and / or fighting continues between the two, and give a try again later. If aggression appears to be a problem, it is probably better not go there.

Dogs, like children, very tender and loving care. When you enter your new puppy to your dog, do you happiness and additions to your family while giving you enough free, and offer unforgettable memories, they never ask anything in return except maybe a bone chew once in a while. Read more...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Adopting a dog

There are many ways that people choose a new family dog. Some search the newspaper ads for breeders selling new puppies others find breeders via advertisements on the Internet, but can still just a puppy to buy from a local pet. Perhaps the best method, but in terms of benefit to society in general is to adopt a dog from a local shelter for animals.

Adopting a dog brings a new friend in your life. It also helps to reduce the number of abandoned and homeless dogs in your area. Unless the case is a "no kill" facility (and these are unfortunately rare), it will also save the life of a dog. The animal lovers everywhere, the champion of adopting dogs from shelters as opposed to other means to a new pet home for that reason alone, but there are other reasons for the option to choose the setting.

• Animals approved plans
• The shelters often have information about the temperament of a dog
• Adopting a pet frees space in the shelter for more dogs

When you adopt a dog, you can be sure that the shelter staff had the dog examined by a vet for diseases and parasites and that the dog had its shots. This is not always the case of dogs otherwise acquired, as children give away "free puppies" from one box to the local supermarket or Petsmart.

Dogs in shelters are not just stray animals and are often delivered to the shelter of the former owners for various reasons. When this happens, the shelter collects as much information as possible about the dog, especially if it's good with children, how much it barks, how playful and obedient, if his well bred, and other important information. While it is true that this information is only as good as the honesty of the former owner, most of the time, it is quite accurate.

Animal shelters a valuable service to the community they like keeping the streets free of stray animals as possible. Because many of them do this with little or no public funding support from the government, they are very limited in the number of dogs they have in the reception at a given time. The only way they can with more stray animals as they ones they currently removing. This is done through adoption or euthanasia. It is clear that they prefer to have the dogs adopted rather than slain. Adopt a dog can save his life and enables one home to another dog in his place to bring. Read more...

Selecting a New Dog

When selecting a new dog to take home, there are many things to think about and consider. For example, the big question you ask is why a dog? Do you have children who beg for one, or if you've decided you need a dog outside to warn the intruder? Maybe you like a child and miss the company of the dog gave you. For some reason, dogs, family members come together and leave you with a sense of accomplishment, but you should know that not all dogs are good for any situation.

If you choose a new dog for your children, think about starting with a puppy. Puppies are more social and adaptable, and you have to train them according to your needs. In addition, there is nothing more satisfying than watching your new puppy grow up alongside your kids.
Then you must decide male or female when selecting your new dog. Remember that men often larger in size than females, which remain relatively small. Men are also more dominant and aggressive in certain breeds.

Temperament should also be checked when choosing a new dog. To do this, simply hold the dog in your arms and tip him on his back (if size allows). If he is still struggling, this may mean it takes more patience in training. If he draws really quiet, you can be sure it is mild, moderate and will be easy to work. In addition, folding your hands or make other loud or sudden movements. A mild tempered dog curious look on you, while a dog frightened or nervous, or surprised will shy away.

It is important always to the varieties you are looking for in choosing a new study on dogs. Make sure you have the time to ensure you choose one. Depending on the breed, it takes more exercise, training or a particular environment. For example, a cocker spaniel take considerable time and cost of grooming her luxurious fur.

Although selecting a new dog may seem obvious, it must be the place where you buy your dog. If treatment of a breeder, be sure he or she is respectable and dedicated to the standard of breeding itself, and not just there for the money. Some breeders truly care about their dogs, while others are not, which means that the puppy can not be socialized or might have been treated roughly or poorly. If you buy a dog when the animal is a good idea to call around to other families who have purchased the same pet.

Whether you're looking for a large dog or small dog for your family, and if you think common sense when choosing your new dog, you should be able to find the perfect for you. Your new dog will give you a lasting love relationship they should be for all of you. Read more...

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